Dawn Cretney
BA Hons Youth & Community Education
EFT Practitioner (Studied to Advanced Level)
NLP Practitioner
Mindfulness Diploma
Children's Yoga & Mindfulness Practitioner
Reflexology Diploma
Indian Head Massage Practitioner
A qualified youth and community educator since 1997, for the most time having worked as a practitioner and manager in a local authority, together with the study of the mind / body connection since 2000, Dawn specialises in facilitating positive change for others.
Experienced in working in schools, colleges and community settings with young people, staff, family members, teaching professionals, and community groups, Dawn has developed and delivered issue based projects and interventions, including training, around bullying, self-confidence, self-esteem and reslilience.
Dawn offers group work in addition to 1:1 private client sessions.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi I’m Dawn Cretney, founder of Wellbeing Matters.
Since being a child I have found myself in comtemplative states, in which I relentlessly analyse nature, life situations and people’s behaviour. During high school I began travelling the beautiful path of self-development. All that you see here is a culmination of my life’s work.
Caring & Empowering
My passionate spark is supporting others to grow and evolve, becoming who they realise they are, sharing their unique skills and gifts with others for their enjoyment and our communal benefit.
Nature & Nurture
For as long as I can remember I’ve had an interest in making this world a better place, connecting with nature and sharing with others. As a graduate BA(hons) in Urban Development, I felt inspired to bring justice to the world so I began my career in youth & community education. This decision saw me return to university to graduate as a professional. Employment in the field has provided opportunity for me to work with a huge variety of individuals, professionals and groups in all sorts of settings. Equally, I have not stopped studying and sharing knowledge, information and ideas with others.
Fast forward a few years or more, and Wellbeing Matters is beginning to bloom. Here we value the small things, the subtle things, the pieces of the human experience that are often neglected & unrefined. Helping teachers teach, moving healers to heal, and inspiring others to shine their brightest, is at the root of all we do. Just as a single stone can alter the course of a river so too can a new idea, or a fresh perspective, shape the path of another.
When we’re willing & mindful, when we can nurture our nature,
the world is beautiful and the possibilities are limitless.