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A survey of 16-19 year-olds found that 68% of them described being “very stressed” about their examsand the impact it will have on their future, with 49% saying they would be “devastated” if they failed to get the results they aim for.
The same survey reported that 1 in 3 parents with a teenager have visited their GP or even A&E with concerns over their child’s mental health.
SOURCE: YoungMinds.Org
A study (based on a survey of 325 pupils), carried out in the North-West of England by Edge Hill University, found that teenagers who were stressed about doing well in their GCSE exams were likely to get lower results than peers who remained calmer. This adds to over 40 years of research showing that a students level of ‘Exam Nerves’ or ‘Test Anxiety’ is one of the main factors in successful Exam Performance.